Copa America News:
Copa America Worlds Absolute Winners:
Congratulations to the winners to the absolute divisions at the World Campionships on 10.8.11!

Absolute No-Gi:
All Weight | ||
1st | Robby Dorafrio | |
2nd | AJ | |
3rd | Eric Alequin / Josh Best |

Women's Absolute Gi:
All Weight | ||
1st | Greta Spengler - AFC | |
2nd | Amanda Santana - Norton BJJ | |
3rd | Estrella Santana - Norton BJJ |
Georgia Team Trophy Winner:

Congratulations to Champions Training Center for winning the Team Trophy at the 3.5.11 Goergia State Championships in Jonesboro, GA!

Congratulations to Team Knuckle Up for winning the Team Trophy at the 11.13.10 Winter Nationals in Jonesboro, GA!
Absolute Division Winners at Copa Worlds!:
Click to check out the write up Gracie Mag did on some of the competitors at the Worlds!

Gi Absolute | ||
1st | Pablo Papovitch | |
2nd | Wagner Rocha |

No-Gi Absolute | ||
1st | Pablo Papovitch | |
2nd | Thiago Abreu |
Women's Absolute Division at Copa Worlds!:

All Weight | ||
1st | Beata Onody - ATT Longwood | |
2nd | Bethany Easn - Armory | |
3rd | Nikki Finney - Finney Tiger Rock |
Copa America's first ever Women's No-Gi Absolute Division was a great success!
Thanks again to Tuf Gear Solutions for sponsoring the division and giving the prize pack.
3.17.10 The Copa America Florida State Championship was one of our biggest and best events to date! Thanks to everyone for coming out. We are hoping the Georgia States go just as well on 4.10.10 and also everyone needs to start making plans to attend the Copa America National Championship being held on 7.24.10 in Lakeland, FL!

Absolute Champions from National Championship 7.24.10!
Vagner Rocha and Roverto "Cyborg" Abreu with Copa America's Ross Kellin after winning both the Absolute Gi and No-Gi titles.
Absolute Gi:
All Weight | ||
1st | Roberto "Cyborg" Abreu / Vagner Rocha | |
2nd | Chris Moriarty | |
3rd | Jim Alers |
Absolute No-Gi:
All Weight | ||
1st | Roberto "Cyborg" Abreu / Vagner Rocha | |
2nd | Chris Moriarty | |
3rd | Aalon Cruz |
1.10.10 Happy New Year! We wanted to give everyone a heads up on some of the upcoming events we're doing this year. We are working hard to make 2010 Copa America's best year yet and hope to see you at an upcoming event soon!
7.24.10 National Championships in Lakeland, FL
8.14.10 at Mt. Zion High School in Jonesboro, GA
10.2.10 World Championships in Lakeland, FL
11.20.10 at Mt. Zion High School in Jonesboro, GA
11.17.09 The next Copa America tournament has been scheduled for Saturday December 11th in Bradenton FL at Braden River High School.
8.23.09 The Copa America National Championships were a great success.. Thanks to everyone for coming out and we look forward to seeing you at the next event!
3.15.09 Copa America World Championships went off great yesterday and we want to thank all the competitors, coaches, and teams who came out and made it possible.. Results have been posted and we should have photos from the event up soon.. If you have any photos you'd like to submit, please email them us and we will try and get them up as soon as possible
Thanks for the support and we hope to see you at the Georgia State Championships on April 11th!
4.23.09 The next Copa America tournament has been scheduled for Saturday August 22nd in Lakeland, FL at Lake Gibson High School.
3.15.09 Copa America World Championships went off great yesterday and we want to thank all the competitors, coaches, and teams who came out and made it possible.. Results have been posted and we should have photos from the event up soon.. If you have any photos you'd like to submit, please email them us and we will try and get them up as soon as possible
Thanks for the support and we hope to see you at the Georgia State Championships on April 11th!
12-13-08 The Copa America Florida State Championship has been set for January 31st in Bradenton FL!
For more info check out the events page.
9-20-08 The Copa America National Championship was a great success!
Thanks to the many competitors who came out and took part in the event. It was a long day with a lot of great grappling...
Congratulations to Daniel Moraes for winning the Absolute No-Gi division and to Roberto Abreu for winning the Absolute Gi division
Results are now up and pictures will be coming soon.
We look forward to the next event and hope to see everyone back!
6-21-08 Copa America in Columbus was a great success and an excellent event! Thanks to everyone who came out and made it such an enjoyable tournement for us as well as the other competitors.
Full results and more information on the tournament will be posted soon!
The winner of the Absolute No-Gi tournament at the May 17th Copa America will be featured in the Submission of the Month section in the next issue of MMA Authority Magazine.
This is your chance to gain recognition for yourself, your sponsors, and your academy in a nationally distributed and widely read MMA publication.
Train hard and we'll see you at the event!
4-4-08 Joe Valdez, the matchmaker for the RFC (Real Fighting Championships) will be at the next event on May 17th scouting talent for upcoming RFC fights.
If you're interested in fighting in Florida's Premier MMA event come out and show Joe what you've got.
RFC is the Official MMA even supported by Copa America. Their next event will be held on Friday May 23rd at the A La Carte Pavilion in Tampa, Florida.
For More information on their event please visit their website,
3.5.08 The Next Copa America will Take place on Saturday May 17th at Lake Gibson Sr. High in Lakeland, FL. The last tournament was an amazing event and we're expecting this one to go even better!

More Rings, More Divisions, New Medals, and much much more!
Click Here for More Information
Click Here to Pre-Register
Summer 08 Copa America will throw it's first tournament outside of Florida!
We will be in Columbus, GA and will have the exact date locked down soon.
Check back for more details.
2.24.08 Copa America was a huge success. We had an amazing turn out and a great event. Thanks to every team, coach, and competitor for making it happen. We're hoping the next tournament will be even better and hope to see you all there.

Congratulations go out to Boca for winning the Absolute Gi division and the $500.

Congratulations go out to Mario Rinaldi for winning the Absolute No-Gi division and the $1000.
Photos are now up from the last Copa America.. Check the Gallery page to see them all.
Results will be posted soon, please check back.
Our next event is currently being scheduled for May of 2008. Please Check back for confirmed date and location.
3.7.08: Copa America Press Release March 2008

12.10.07: The Next Copa America Has been Scheduled for February 23rd 2008

10.10.07: Event Results from Copa America 10.6.07 have now been posted...
Click here for results.
Photos of the event will be coming soon so check back to see yourself and your team competing.
10.3.07: Check out this Friday for information on this weekends Copa America Event.

8.29.07: The next Copa America Submission Grappling Challenge has been announced!
Saturday October 6th at Lake Gibson High School in Lakeland Florida...

Coaches call to find out how you can make money with Copa America on our competitor rebate program. Contact Ross Kellin at (863) 934-1833 to participate in the program.
For More Information Visit the Events Page, we hope to see you there!
7.9.07: Copa America wants to congratulate Mario "Big Hurt" Rinaldi of ATT PSL / Din Thomas for winning the Absolute Division and the $1000 cash prize this past weekend!

7.4.07: Copa America Submission Grappling Championships launches our offical website just in time for Copa America 2 Saturday July 7th in Lakeland, Florida.